Culture creates
a company.
Nineteen seventy-nine was an extraordinary year.
And just outside Luton, a creative production company opened its doors for the very first time.
That those doors are open today is a source of great pride. And no little success.
But what, you may ask, is the secret of that success?
Why, in a world full of change and in an industry known for being volatile, have we thrived?
Why have nearly half of our clients been with us for over ten years?
And use terms like, “infinitely capable”, “I trust them” and “an extension of my marketing department”?
For us, the answer isn’t found in that longevity or loyalty but in 1979 and in a founding principle upon which we’ve built the business.
For whether your Thatcher, Clough or Coe, The Clash, the Cortina or Elton John, individual excellence is only achieved through collective endeavour.
As the American author Ken Blanchard once said, “None of us is as smart as all of us.”
From 1979 to today, that’s been A WK360 view.

Great teams make great brands
In 1963, and in defence of his own public expenditure, President John F. Kennedy coined the phrase: “A rising tide lifts all boats.”
Now, we’re not suggesting, not for a second, that we can shape economic policy like JFK, but at WK360 we do share the belief that equality is key to profitability. That without the continuous acknowledgment of an individual’s contributions, and the encouragement to up-skill, adapt and grow, the business doesn’t grow.
It’s a belief that might explain why a third of our team have been with us for over 20 years. A level of dedication rarely enjoyed in the fast-moving and often turbulent creative industry.
Subtler but no less significant, is the often-overlooked quality of intellectual capital. Precisely because such a large number of our team have been with us for so long, we can work more seamlessly and share a level of understanding and passion for our clients’ businesses. A fact our clients appreciate.