6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Professional Photography


Any business owner knows the importance of having images of their products if they want them to sell. However, by definition, many entrepreneurs are independent workers who like to do things themselves.

Professional photographers are providers of visual solutions. They take your product or service and make a creative decision on the best way to portray it to your customers. Here are 6 reasons why professional photography is crucial to any successful business.

1 – Standing out from the crowd

Now that digital marketing has cemented itself as an integral part of modern business, we must accept that content is key. A sleek, aesthetically pleasing and content-driven website will generate a much higher return on investment than a simplistic home-made one. Having exceptional photography next to all of your product descriptions will greatly enhance your site traffic, and your return on investment should be palpable.

Amateur photography will undoubtably reflect rather poorly on your business. If your website has poor quality images, potential customers will assume your products are of poor quality too. Try and capture the essence of your brand by taking your photographer through what you hope to gain from this – if you want especially dark imagery, or a particular background prop for the shot, let them know.

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2 – Quality pics means quality products

Okay, not literally. But, by having shiny new imagery on your website, anyone interested in purchasing your products will subconsciously see you as an expert in your field. Being an industry leader is nothing to scoff at – for years, Apple have gotten away with charging their customers twice as much as their nearest competitors!

Perceived value can go an incredibly long way. Through clever marketing and high-quality ad material, you could quickly become the next Steve Jobs of your industry. Don’t get caught up in how much photography might cost – instead, focus on how much it can make for you.

3 – Taking advantage of their industry knowledge

Commercial photographers are often creative geniuses. Depending on how you want your business to come across, your photographer will be able to bring your idea to life and make it more accessible to your audience.

Getting the perspective of a creative outsider (like the photographer) is invaluable, too. Ask them questions, offer your own opinions, and get as much out of the arrangement as you can. The images you use for your website, catalogues and PoS all go a long way in communicating who you are, what your business does, and what your fundamental values are.

Not too long ago we did some product photography, with the focus being one of our favourite clients’ new range of shampoos and conditioners; Duck Island. Rather than a simple product shot, our creative team discussed ways to make the product stand out. Using CGI and traditional photography, we created beautiful images such as the one below.


4 – Photographers are visual solution providers

Professional photography has other advantages too – it could help establish your brand identity by showing your customers exactly what is so special about you and your products.

Every visual decision you make for your company should stay in line with your brand, as well as the direction you’re taking your company in. By finding out exactly what you want from them, a professional photographer would be able to find the ultimate setting, lighting, angles, background and accompanying visuals; everything needed to make you stand out from the competition.

Whether your product is cringe-inducingly ugly or jaw-droppingly beautiful, a poor-quality image will make it look twice as bad/half as good!

5 – The shareability factor

With social media now an essential part of consumer/seller interaction, audience engagement is of the utmost importance. Including professional photography in your online posts makes them much more shareable. Consistently good pictures will help your online brand grow and reach more prospective customers naturally.

Many business owners are surprised by the impact of having a consistent and memorable social media presence. Your reputation as a business can spread as quickly as wildfire, and people will remember you for the quality of your posts. So, make sure they’re lit.

Whether you are trying to be thought-provoking, educational, or just plain funny, by attaching powerful imagery to your posts, you can quickly expand your client-base and have a long-lasting effect in your industry.

6 – Simple convenience

Doing your own photography involves a lot of work and a huge up-front cost. If you’re trying to achieve the incredibly wide range of content needed in today’s world (such as ultra HD photography, CGI and 360’s) the range of skills required and the level of investment could be immense. Our studio recently spent over £30,000 for a state-of-the-art camera to use for some special product photography. If that dent in your budget seems excessive, you might want to consider paying someone else to do it for you.

Most photography companies will have a range of high-quality equipment, such as props, cameras, and the studio itself. This, alongside the creative experts who can walk you through the process and work around your budget, suggests that professional photography is the most cost-efficient long-term way of marketing your products.


These days, anyone can take a picture. Thanks to the devices in our pockets, it is easier than ever to capture a moment. But the expertise and difference a professional photographer makes cannot be overstated. For the foreseeable future, they will continue to make an impact in every industry. So, give one of us a call and see how they can bring your next product to life.


Written by John Davis


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