

The Mothercare catalogue is one of THE iconic retail catalogues and WK360 is at the very heart of the production.

Since 2005, WK360 and the Mothercare team, along with various specialist creative teams, have worked together to produce one of the UK's leading retail catalogues in a coherent, cost effective and timely manner. 

To get the best out of the catalogue and keep their edge in the market the Mothercare team likes to work with the latest hot house creative studios for fashion, maternity and pushchairs, but needs a specialist catalogue design and production company to ensure that the production is on brand, consistent throughout and of course, to design the remaining pages in the book. 

It is truly a collaborative production with all parties working seamlessly together supported by our expert account management and workflow technology. The end results are always engaging and looked upon with envy by their competitors.

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Through our workflows, design capability, artwork accuracy, quality control procedures (which includes in-house Readers),  colour management, swatch matching,  repro and press passing expertise, WK360 gives Mothercare the edge! 


The revolution is here...

